Warning: phrase overload!

Many would be familiar with the phrase ‘You can’t judge a book by its cover’ and be able to think of books
to which it relates. The phrase is appealing to readers to not be judgemental as
to the content and quality of a book by looking at the cover alone.
To take the
time to read and linger on the story before casting it aside based on external
factors. I, however, often find this difficult to do and in working in school
libraries note that many children and young adults pick up a possible book to
read solely on the cover design followed by a quick turnover to the blurb on
the back. Even though we know that ‘All
that glitters is not gold’, the overall look, presentation and feel of a book
is a high determinant in attracting readers to it in the first place.
Children and young adults are very visual and it is
important to encourage them to remember: ‘If
you judge a book by its cover, you might miss out on an amazing story.’ However,
with the limited resources of families, schools and libraries, books that are
initially unappealing, regardless of what lies within, may not be purchased or
presented in the first place.
A poorly designed book sitting on a shelf,
without promotion or recommendation, is likely to stay that way - unread. In
sourcing and recommending literature for children the whole package must be
considered: a quality, literary work encased in a well bound, appealing cover.
NB: Cover images used
in this article are of books that ‘caught
my eye’ and I subsequently enjoyed.
Tricia Scott
Teacher Librarian and current Tasmanian Judge for Children’s Book of the Year
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