I am going to follow on from
Karen McPherson’s blog of several weeks ago – For the Love of Picture Books – as
my favourite genre is also picture books. But I am coming from a slightly
different perspective. As we head towards the announcement of the CBCA 2016
Notables Books (April 18), and then the Short List (May 20), for this blog I am
going to focus on books published in Canada and some of them short-listed for
various Canadian children’s book awards.
Yes. I am back in Canada with
my grandson. We have always enjoyed sharing picture books, and though he is
nearly 8, this is still a delight for us both, whether I am actually in the
room with him (as now) or communicating via Skype. We are now reading chapter
books together too, but they are not going to come into this blog’s discussion.
I have found all these books through the local library where the picture book
collection is current and wide-ranging with an unexpectedly good number of
Australian authors too. We’ve had fun sharing and discussing these books and
others which I borrowed before choosing the ones to write about.
The following are some of the
ones that I have enjoyed.

From There to Here by Lauren Croza and Matt James. Finalist for Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award Several years ago I reviewed I
Know Here, a child’s story of her Saskatchewan home before she has to move.
This is the sequel: the child’s perceptions after the move. There are
comparisons of two vastly differing locations expressing the challenges of
change and adapting to the new but also the excitement of finding the
differences while also reminiscing on the former home. A great way to help
children adapt to moving house. Lots of colour and movement in the
illustrations and no two pages look alike.
Morris Mickelwhite and the Tangerine Dress by Christine Baldacchino and illustrated by
Isabelle Malenfant. Finalist for Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award and the TD Canadian
Children’s Literature Award
Morris loves dressing up, especially in the tangerine dress, which reminds him of his family’s hair colour. But other kids in the class don’t agree with his clothes choice and exclude him from activities. Morris perseveres until his behaviour persuades everyone that he is the important one, not what he’s wearing. A gentle way of starting discussions about identity and acceptance.
Morris loves dressing up, especially in the tangerine dress, which reminds him of his family’s hair colour. But other kids in the class don’t agree with his clothes choice and exclude him from activities. Morris perseveres until his behaviour persuades everyone that he is the important one, not what he’s wearing. A gentle way of starting discussions about identity and acceptance.
L’Autobus by Marianne Dubuc. Finalist for the TD de littérature canadienne pour l’enfance et la jeunesse
Though this
book is in French, it is the delightful story of a child taking her first solo
bus ride. She knows how many stops before she has to get off, but there is so
much happening on board that she loses track. But it doesn’t matter because she
recognises the locality when she gets near her grandmother’s house. The book
format is landscape: perfect for portraying the length of the bus and the many
passengers, all of whom are animals. I loved it.
Gay has
started with many of the questions she is asked when visiting schools and
answered many of them, creating a multi-layered, open-ended story written in
beautiful prose, about a gentle giant and a fierce purple beast. She talks
about her art work and has used many examples in this book: watercolour,
gouache, pen and ink, pencil, collage. What happens if the starting page is not
white? How does the story develop from the blank page? It’s longer than a
standard picture book, a great read for sharing but also a wonderful stimulus
for children to write.
I do hope
you can find some of these to enjoy.
Maureen Mann
Retired teacher librarian and avid reader
Retired teacher librarian and avid reader
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