Tasmanian author Johanna Baker-Dowdell visits her son's classroom and
inspires and leads the students into creating a wonderful story about a
tiger and a puppet.
As a child, do you remember how thrilling it was to meet an adult whose job was something really special, like a singer, an artist or TV star?
When my youngest son, Ethan, started Prep
this year he excitedly told me his class would focus on a specific author every
few weeks. Everything excites him about school (which is great), but the idea
of finding out more about an author really delighted him. I chuckled to myself
and said, “I’m an author too.” He said, “I know mum. Why don’t you come to my
class and talk to us?”
I wasn’t sure whether the classroom of
five- and six-year-olds would be interested in hearing about how I wrote a
business book, but I did think they would like to hear about how a story comes
together. And so did their teacher.

The class was so enthusiastic that we
extended the storytelling session. I placed a few items from the box on each
group of desks and every child wrote their own story using these as prompts.
Some used the characters we had created together and others started fresh with
new characters, but every child created an individual story. A class full of
engaged children all scribbling with their pencils on blank paper to create something
unique was an honour to witness.

Since then I’ve spoken with several of
Ethan’s classmates at school pick up about the stories they have written. And
one wants to be a Star Wars author
when he grows up! Parents also told me how excited their children were to write
a story together, so I’m chalking that up as an inspiring experience – for all
of us.
Johanna Baker-Dowdell
Freelance journalist and author of the book Business & Baby on Board.
Freelance journalist and author of the book Business & Baby on Board.
Blog: http://johannabd.com/
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