Welcome to the blog of the Tasmanian branch of the Children's Book Council of Australia!

Saturday 2 May 2020

A Quiz - Past Book of the Year Shortlists

How well do you know past Book of the Year Shortlists? This week is a challenge that will jog memories, prompt some in-house banter and discussion, hone search skills and provide the stimulus to remember – great titles and amazing stories from the distant and not so long ago past. Thanks, Maureen, for providing such an interesting and entertaining post.
While thinking about the changed date for this year’s Book Week, I wondered about past short lists. I found when I looked that there were many titles which have gone from people’s memory – or at least from mine – but I enjoyed looking at the lists and recalling many other favourites. I hope you have already discovered this link to past lists from 1946 onward. You will probably need it!

So here’s a quiz, based only on books included here: You’ll also possibly need to look at this year’s Short List
Answers are not included but they are all to be found at the above, apart from the ones which are personal choices. Hope you enjoy it.
1.     Which authors have titles in this year’s Short List as well as being on 2019’s?
2.     Who has had a title on the past 3 year’s Short Lists?
3.     When was the first Eve Pownall Award for Information Books granted?
4.     When did Nan Chauncey first win? For which book?
5.     How many times has Emily Rodda been listed for the awards? When was the first?
6.     When did Simon French first have a listed title?
7.     Bob Graham was first mentioned in 1986 and the last time in 2017. What are the titles?
8.     When was Colin Thiele’s Sun on the Stubble a Commended book?
9.     Who won the Older Readers category in 2015 and 2017?
10.  Who, and with what, won the first Younger Readers category (not Junior Book of the Year)? When?
11.  Christobel Mattingley was a well-loved author. Did she ever win a Book of the Year category?
12.  With which title did Ruth Park win a Book of the Year category? Which category?
13.  How many times did Pamela Allen have a category winner? How many times Highly Commended, Commended or Honour Book?
14.  Ron Brooks is Tasmanian. How many times is he listed? Which is your favourite?
15.  Which is the oldest title you remember?
16.  What title won the first Book of the Year in 1946?
17.  How many more times did that author feature?
18.  David Metzenthen is on this year’s Short List. Which of his titles first came to prominence in the Book of the Year awards?
19.  Shaun Tan won last year’s Picture Book of the Year. When did he win his first award? With which title?
20.  What title would you choose as winner in each 2020 Book of the Year category?

Maureen Mann
Past CBCA Awards Judge and avid reader and reviewer.
Editor’s Note: Wow, that list brought back memories – so many good books! For me it was from the 80’s onwards when I first moved into school libraries that I got hooked on Book Week and the awards. I have added one of my all-time most memorable books from that era – such a brave book in a time of political denial and it still stands out today.
1986 Highly Commended – Little Brother by Allan Baillie

Don’t forget to add your predictions for the 2020 awards (I am still reading them).

1 comment:

  1. Maureen 'thanks for the memories'! The quiz stirs up so many treasured memories of books l have enjoyed, books that have challenged my attitudes and beliefs and simply been a fun experience to immerse myself in. Perhaps the older books should be remembered and celebrated more often!
