For You,
For When You Felt Different
For When You Felt Different
In Reading Time, May 2013, Alyssa
Brugman, referring to Alex as well, (2013), wrote: “Why aren’t there more YA books
about transgendered, cross-dressing or intersex teens? I don’t know the
answer so I wrote one.” Since then, there have been many books, some so
completely dominated by the theme that the story is left behind. And now there
is George by Alex Gino (Scholastic), a wonderful, sensitive, and honest
story for younger readers.

Why is the story so powerful? The
third person narration introduces George in female pronouns; this is critical
to the way we read the book. George is not a boy wanting to be a girl, but a
girl in a world where no one else can see it. It's an essential distinction.
The story transcends theme informing our understanding of how isolated the
Georges of the world must feel while simultaneously telling other Georges that
they are not alone and that there is support.
This is a heart-warming and engaging book should be in every library and school – for children to see themselves and for readers (young and old) to understand what it is like to feel different.
Nella Pickup
CBCA Tasmania committee member and avid reader.
Editor’s note: Read and watch an interview with Alex in theguardian.
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