Welcome to the blog of the Tasmanian branch of the Children's Book Council of Australia!

Saturday 11 November 2017

Jeannie Baker - Circle Exhibition

Jennie Bales responds to a visit to the exhibition of Jeannie Baker's magnificent Circle currently on show at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery in Hobart.

Have you read Circle?

"Tiny godwit birds follow ancient, invisible pathways in an infinity of sky. Flying on and on, for nine nights and nine days, flying without rest. From Arctic icebergs in the north, to tropical golden beaches in the south, across thousands of kilometres of Pacific Ocean. ‘Circle’ captures the sheer wonder of this migratory journey, reminding us of the global interdependence of nature.                                                                                               The Godwit’s remarkable flight is followed as it comes full circle     … back to the place where mud and sand become sea." (Jeannie Baker, 2016)

Jeannie Baker continues to explore our natural world with a strong environmental theme in her latest contribution to children's literature. Her use of collage is masterful and compliments and enhances the story or endurance and survival when faced with dwindling habitats.
Read a review.

Jeannie Baker shares her creative inspiration in developing Circle.

The book is a wonderful visual treat - but seeing the original art work is a truly amazing experience. An exhibition has been travelling around Australia and is currently on site at the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery until the 3rd December. If you reside in the city, or are visiting, take the time to walk through the gallery, learn about godwits, view the art work, read Jeannie's notes on developing the text and illustrations, and sit quietly to read the story and compare the original art works with those published between the covers. Three dimensional, textured, illuminated... you will want to touch them! (but don't ;-)

Walker Books provides supporting resources on their website, including informative teachers' notes with further information about Jeannie Baker, godwits and the themes of the book. The reference list provides a number of resources - print and online - to support the various themes explored in the story.                                                                                                                                                           
If you are looking for an alternative ad complimentary story on the birds' migratory journey you might enjoy the The Godwits by Bruce Pickworth (review) with a lengthier, illustrated text that encompasses both human and bird perspectives.

Don't forget - you have until the 3rd December to visit the exhibition in Hobart before it wings its way to Queensland.
Jennie Bales
Blog editor, adjunct lecturer, and lover of children's literature.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information Jennie, it is wonderful to have the opportunity to visit an exhibition of such outstanding quality and expertise in Hobart
