Do you own a smartphone or a tablet device – either iPad or
Android? If so I hope you have started to explore the reading opportunities for
both yourself and your children, and especially as an alternative means to read
and explore stories with the family.

Nick Bland is another icon on Australian picture book scene. Find out about Nick’s latest publishing venture Wheelbarrow where several of his own books have been developed into apps. Along with his bear books: Cranky bear, Hungry bear and Itchy bear, one of my all time favourites is the The wrong book which is an absolute delight to share with a child as the story is told through the app and with the device as physical movement adds another dimension to the exploits on the screen. I think this book was immortalised for me, and an auditorium full of students, during its rendition on the big screen as the chosen text for National Simultaneous Storytime in 2013. You can view it in action on YouTube if you are not convinced :-). Wheelbarrow are branching out in the digitisation of books, so look out for Shaun Tan’s The rules of summer as another interactive book worth investigating. And remember, that a good storybook app has so much more than the story!
Interactive story apps are an expanding market and one well
worth exploring. This is just a brief introduction and I trust that it will
send you off to start exploring further.
Jennie Bales
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