Welcome to the blog of the Tasmanian branch of the Children's Book Council of Australia!

Sunday 23 March 2014

‘Naughty’ shared reading experiences

Whether we like it or not young children love toilet humour.  A book that mentions or includes illustrations of underwear, nakedness, bottoms, and bodily functions will usually elicit stifled giggles, guffaws of laughter, and squeals of delight.   

Pamela Allen’s Mr McGee and the Biting Flea is an example of nakedness in its full glory and children love it.   It will be interesting to see if the theatre production of this book (to be performed at Theatre Royal, Hobart and Burnie Arts & Function Centre in June) also generates the same response.

You might like to share some of the following ‘naughty’ books that I have found capture the delight of young children: 

Poo bum by Stephanie Blake

A young rabbit doesn’t want to do anything his parents request - ultimately his cheeky retort “Poo Bum” will save his life!

 The dreadful fluff by Aaron Blabey

When Serenity Strainer finds belly-button fluff her life is thrown into disarray.

The Giant’s loo roll by Nicholas Allan

What would you do if a giant’s toilet roll ran away through your town?  What could you create with an extra large piece of paper? 

In fact many books by Nicholas Allan have some type of toilet humour and are great fun to share (Cinderella’s bum, Father Christmas wants a wee, The Royal nappy, The Queen’s knickers).

Queen Victoria’s underpants by Jackie French and Bruce Whatley

Not a rip-roaring read but more the evolution of underwear and the many options perhaps considered for the royal bottom.  Children love the idea of pants made of different things and the final reveal of the Queen’s underwear.


Tricia Scott

1 comment:

  1. How about 'The fly' by Gustavo Rosemffet - LINC has some copies.
