Friday 8 March 2024

Celebrate Tasmania Reads Week, 17 – 23 March 2024

Have you got a pile of ‘to read’ or ‘to read aloud’ books in your home or classroom?  Get ready to tackle them as part of Tasmania Reads Week and get involved via Libraries Tasmania. Let’s celebrate reading!

Try something new this Tasmania Reads Week,
from 17 to 23 March.

Tasmania Reads Week is a celebration of all things reading, curated by Libraries Tasmania, and supported by local partners, including booksellers, the Tasmania JackJumpers, Metro Tasmania and the University of Tasmania. 

During Tasmania Reads Week, Libraries Tasmania are helping all Tasmanians to be excited about reading. With over fifty events around the state, there is something for everyone. You can explore the full program, featuring Book Chats, author talks, and readings, by visiting our Tasmania Reads website.

Why celebrate reading? 

  • Reading for pleasure offers a range of benefits, including better education outcomes, improved quality of life, and better health and wellbeing.

  • Currently, only fifty percent of Tasmanian adults have functional literacy. We want to see that number increase by supporting children’s literacy and celebrating reading for all ages.

  • Reading can be social! People are more likely to read, and to experience the benefits associated with reading, if they read socially, choose their own reading material, and read for fun. Join a Book Chat through your local library and share book recommendations, favourite stories, and other bookish business.

Get involved

To get involved in Tasmania Reads Week 2024 you can: 

  • attend a Tasmania Reads event 
  • visit your local library
  • read something new 
  • gather some friends for a Book Chat and talk about your favourite books
  • share a social media post about your favourite reading place using the hashtags #TasmaniaReads and #WhereDoYouRead.

If you are a teacher, we have special activity resources just for you – email us at for more information!

Keep an eye out for Tasmania Reads celebrations happening in your community and Try something new with reading this March!


Lily Fletcher Stojcevski
Reporting and Policy Officer, Libraries Tasmania



Editor’s note:
What a wonderful prompt to get reading! I plan to get immersed in some of the titles on 2024 CBCA Notable list and to attend at least one of the events on offer. 

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