Friday 23 October 2020

Meet Bobbie Rotten

Local author and illustrator, Shanli Perkins, introduces us to a delightful story about a much loved family member – Bobbie Rotten – a mischievous Australian Terrier. Share her journey into self-publishing on a topic close to her heart.

I am a creative soul who loves to design, create and share laughter. I live near the beach on the North West Coast of Tasmania. With Covid-19 locking down our region earlier this year I needed to escape the woes of the world and decided to finish the children’s book I had planned in my head for more than three years.

Bobbie Rotten - written and & illustrated by © Shanli Perkins.

I teach teenagers and an ex-student of mine, Krystal Clancy, was chosen to help me start the illustrations for my story. She showed me how to draw our furry, frantic pet.  When my children were little, we adopted an Australian Terrier who filled our lives with so much love and trickery!  He loved tormenting us with his antics and long after he died the stories remained. I thought the world now, more than ever, needs a laugh and a hug, so I sat for two weeks illustrating and writing a children’s book.  It is a true story written in rhyme about our family pet named Bobbie Rotten. 

Child with Bobbie Rotten Cuddle Cushion © Shanli Perkins
Child with Bobbie Rotten Cuddle Cushion. 
© Shanli Perkins
I purposely kept the book black and white so children could imagine the colours, but to my surprise adults love the book too. The book Bobbie Rotten has visited local schools and the response has been wonderful. As we cannot hug each other easily at the moment, I have also helped create Bobbie Rotten cuddle cushions for children to use when they need a hug. Children have started making their own cuddle cushions with drawings of their own pet or with Bobbie Rotten. I have had a wonderful time sharing my story and creative ideas. 

The responses and smiles I have received back from this project, have made my first-time attempt at story writing truly joyful. It has lifted my spirits and I think it has lifted the spirits of my readers too. 

Bobbie Rotten is on its second print edition with limited numbers remaining. If you would like to purchase a copy of Bobbie Rotten and/or a cuddle cushion please message Shanli Perkins on Facebook. 😊

© Shanli Perkins with her self-
published book, Bobbie Rotten

Shanli Perkins

Children’s book author and illustrator

FB: @ShanliPerkins

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Shanli on creating such a wonderful book that is loved by children and adults alike! The cuddle cushions are a great 'flow on' from the book which is very popular with young children as they immerse themselves in this relatable and enticing story experience. Hope your success continues to grow!
