Tuesday 28 May 2019

National Simultaneous Storytime at The Friends’ School

The National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) seems to gain momentum every year since its inception in 2001. Held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) NSS is a key component of Library and Information Week. Public libraries and schools around Tasmania shared Matt Cosgrove’s hilarious Alpacas with Maracas to the delight of young and old. Many thanks to Katie Stanley for providing a snapshot of activities at The Friend’s School.

2019 was a bumper year for National Simultaneous Storytime at Friends’.  We participated from K-12, with readings, dramatisations, translations and other activities.

Our primary students worked in vertical groups and read the story, then were tasked with creating a new page for the book: a four-line verse describing a new talent show act with matching illustrations.
Primary school responses to Alpacas with Maracas

Teacher Librarian, Katie Stanley engages Year 7 with a

Year 7 students read the book and then worked in groups to research alpacas and maracas, extend the story, or rewrite it from a different point-of-view.  Of course, they did it all using rhyming couplets! 

Reading Alpacas with Maracas on kunany/Mount Wellington.

Laboratory Technician, Deb Chadwick reads
Alpacas with Maracas while walking.

Some of our Year 7s were out walking on kunanyi/Mount Wellington so they read the book up there!  

Even our Laboratory Technician, Deb, participated on her day off, reading it with her walking group.

Leo Oakley, dressed as an alpaca with maracas
with our High School display for
National Simultaneous Storytime and
Library and Information Week.

Our Year 11 Drama class performed the book, and language classes read it in Chinese, French, German and Japanese. Our principal also read the book to some very young students.

Great fun was had by all!

Katie Stanley
Teacher Librarian
The Friend’s School

1 comment:

  1. Katie sounds like all your students had a lot of fun! Experiencing the enjoyment of a single book in primary and secondary levels is a great way to encourage reading throughout the school.
