Sunday 2 December 2012

Save the books!

Recently I read an article saying that 10,000 copies of the original version of Good night, Sleep tight by Mem Fox had been pulped. (Interestingly it has recently been republished with illustrations by Judy Horacek.) Then I read that 20 of the 55 books that have won the Miles Franklin Award are out of print. (Admittedly, some have dated badly.) I wonder how many wonderful books go out of print or are remaindered long before they should be – all for the want of enough “someones” to promote the book?

What can we do? The first and most obvious task is to keep these titles in print. Ensure you keep buying those special books and share the joy/wonder as you give them away as gifts. Read and follow up on the recommendations made by our bloggers and all the generous souls who review books in magazines, on websites and blogs. Thank the wonderful people who run activities such as Readers’ Cup which introduce readers (and judges) to books they may not have chosen for themselves. Spruik the books you love –your passion might be the encouragement needed for someone to open that book.

Last week, Maureen mentioned some wonderful newer books that deserve a place in everyone’s library. And here are some others...

Sue de Gennaro Pros and cons of being a frog (Scholastic)
Corrine Fenton Hey Baby! (Walker)
Anna Fienberg & Stephen Michael King Figaro and Rumba and the Crocodile Café (Allen & Unwin)
Rose Foster The Industry (HarperCollins)
Morris Gleitzman After (Viking)
Gus Gordon Herman and Rosie (Viking)
Christine Harris and Ann James It’s a miroocool (Little Hare)
Pip Harvey I’ll tell you mine (UQP)
James Moloney Tamlyn (HarperCollins)
Amanda Niland & Christina Booth I wish there were dinosaurs (Windy Hollow)
Sally Odgers & Lisa Stewart Bushland Lullaby (Scholastic)
Jan Ormerod & Carol Thomson Looking for Rex (Little Hare)
Emily Rodda The Third Door (Scholastic)
Karen Tayleur Love notes from Vinegar House (Black Dog)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, thank you for including Hey Baby! in your special list of books. I am very touched.
