Sunday 19 August 2012

Our Book Week Display

CBCA (Tas.) Inc. was thrilled when the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) offered us the opportunity to install a display in the foyer of the ABC building at the Railway Roundabout in Hobart this year. So on the morning of 17 August, Rosemary, Helen, and Patsy, with the assistance of a couple of stronger, younger, fellows (one of them an ABC staff member), were busy setting up our display.

We managed to complete it in time to go home and wait for the email announcing this year’s CBCA Book of the Year Award winners, and are very pleased with the overall effect. The display will stay there until Monday 27th August.

So if you have some time this week, do call in and have a look. Our thanks go to all who provided display items, and to the ABC for the use of the space.

And congratulations to the 2012 Award winners from the Tasmanian branch of The Children’s Book Council of Australia!

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