Sunday 29 July 2012

Book Art! by Lyndon Riggall

My housemate Rach is always sanding something down, cutting something up, or glueing something on. She's a maker. Aside from that though, she's a reader too, and many of her creations are a throwback to favourite pieces of literature. Like our new mailbox, modelled on the Little Golden Book The Pokey Little Puppy.

Or this collage of odd socks that highlights a moment in which surely every Harry Potter fan cheered as they finished the chapter - when Lucius Malfoy accidentally grants Dobby his freedom.

Or maybe even this set of headrests from her Dr. Seussmobile?

No. I'm certainly not biased, and my favourite is this, my 22nd birthday present. A table and chairs decoupaged with Batman comics.

You don't need me to talk much this week, the images will speak for themselves. Maybe I can encourage you to think though, about what else can be done with a book, and how they can brighten a home as well as a mind.  The best part? You don't even have to come up with something of your own! All of Rach's projects are detailed on her blog at Bags of Character

Just pick one and have a go! Best of luck!

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